[1687] - George Fox's Journal Pages 422,423,424
All believers in the light, that are become children of the light, walk as children of the light, and of the day of Christ, as a city set on a hill, that cannot be hid. Let your light so shine, that people may see your good works, and glorify your father, which is in heaven. For a good tree bringeth forth good fruit; therefore, be ye trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, having fruits unto holiness; and then your end will be everlasting life. Such are the wells and cisterns, running water out of your own wells; and eat every one of his own fig tree, and of his own vine; having salt everyone in yourselves, to season everyone's sacrifice, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ; like wise virgins, that have oil in their lamps, follow the Lamb, and enter in with the bridegroom.
Now is the time to labour, while it is day (yea, the day of Christ) to stir up everyone's pure mind, the gift of God that is in them; and to improve your talents, that Christ hath afforded you, that ye may profit; and to walk everyone according to the measure that Christ hath given you; for "the manifestation of the Spirit of God is given to everyone to profit withal." Consider that you have profited in spiritual and heavenly things, with the heavenly Spirit of God. Be not like the wicked and slothful, that hid his talent; from whom it was taken, and he cast into utter darkness. A dwarf, or one that had any blemish, was not to come nigh to offer upon God's altar; therefore mind the word of wisdom, to keep you out that which will corrupt and blemish you; and that ye may grow in grace, in faith, and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ: and feeding upon the milk of the word, may grow by it, that ye may not be dwarfs; and so offer your spiritual sacrifice upon God's holy altar. For the field or vineyard of the slothful grows over with thorns and nettles, and his walls go down.
Such are they that are not diligent in the Spirit of God, and the power which is the wall, a sure fence. The Spirit of God will weed out all thorns, thistles, and nettles out of the vineyard of the heart. And you that are keepers of others' vineyards, see that you keep your own vineyards clean with the Spirit and power of Christ. Sanctify yourselves, and sanctify the Lord in your hearts, that ye may be a holy people to the Lord, who saith; "Be ye holy, for I am holy;" that ye may be the holy member of the church of Christ, that is clothed with the sun, and hath the moon under her feet; the changeable world, with all her changeable worships, religions, churches, and teachers. Be ye new and heavenly Jerusalem's children; for new and heavenly Jerusalem, that is above, is the mother of all the children of light, that are born of the Spirit. These are they that have been persecuted, and have suffered by the false church, mystery Babylon, the mother of harlots.
And now all heavenly Jerusalem's and Sion's children, that are from above, labour in a the gospel, the power of God, the seed in which all nations, and all the families of the earth are blessed; which seed, Christ, bruises the serpent's head, destroys the devil and his works, and overcomes the whore, the false church, the beast, and the false prophet. He takes away the curse, and the veil that is spread over all nations, and over all the families of the earth, and brings the blessing upon all (if they will receive it) saying, "In thy seed shall all nations and all the families of the earth be blessed." This is the gospel of the God preached to Abraham, before Moses wrote his five books; and was preached in the apostles' days, and is now preached again; which brings life and immortality to light; and is the gospel of peace, life, and salvation to every one that believes it. So all nations, all the families of the earth must be in Christ, the seed, if they be blessed, and be partakers of the blessing in the seed. This gospel was revealed by Christ to his apostles, who preached it; which is not of man, nor from man.
Now, God and Christ hath revealed by the same gospel unto me, and many others in this age (I say gospel, and the seed, in which all nations and families of the earth are blessed;) in which gospel I have laboured, and do labour, that all may come into this blessed seed, Christ, who bruises the head of the serpent, that in it they might have peace with God. This everlasting gospel is preached again to them that dwell upon the earth; and they that believe it, and receive it, receive the blessing, the peace, joy, and comfort of it, the stability in it, and the life and immortality which it brings to light in them and to them. Such can praise the everlasting God in his everlasting gospel. And friends, all seek the peace and good of all in Christ: for truth makes no Cains, Korahs, Balaams, nor Judases; for they come to be such, that go out of the peaceable truth. Therefore walk in the peaceable truth, and speak the truth in the love of it, as it is in Jesus.